Hello friends,
I just wanted to take a moment to say thanks for being a subscriber to Brains Before Brawn. Your support means everything to me and I sincerely appreciate the time you take out of your day to read my posts.
For this week, I’d like to do something a little different.
This all came about as I was doing research for my next post. I was trying to figure out the best way to present some thoughts and experiences I’ve had with different styles of diets. You know, the low-fat vs. low carb, calories-in, calories-out styles of nutritional support for our physical goals plus some really ‘out there’ stuff that could even harm us.
Admittedly, this proved a lot tougher than I expected. This is mostly due to the vast amount of information swirling in my head and of course that always reliable guide to numerous rabbit holes - the internet. There is a lot of garbage out there, and it is my goal to present to you only what is tried, tested and true now and always.
While this put me in a bit of a writing paralysis if you will, something interesting happened the other day that made me write this to you instead (for now).
Now I’m not a superstitious fellow, but call it what you want, as coincidence would have it, I was on my way out of the building I live in and I had to pass through our common area library. It’s a place I walk by quite often on my way to the gym. This time, however, I glanced over and in the sea of books was one that immediately caught my eye.
The name of this book is “The Obesity Code - Unlocking The Secrets of Weight Loss” and it is written by a Toronto-based doctor named Jason Fung. Published in 2016, it completely retains freshness of topic and has so far been an absolute pleasure to read.
In his book, Dr. Fung describes the history of the path that brought us from being a society with relatively rare instances of obesity to one that is rampant with the condition. Through his work as a nephrologist working with type 2 diabetic patients, he began piecing together what successful and permanent fat loss entails.
Dr. Fung advocates for what was essentially the weight loss diet of our forebears. That is, getting rid of refined starches and focusing on a more keto-like diet and intermittent fasting as ways that anyone in fair health can do.
While the high fat/moderate protein/low carbohydrate way of eating for weight loss is proven beyond doubt to be effective, one caveat is resistance exercise. The one thing I personally can’t get around is that carbs are needed for proper muscle growth and recovery. If that is the goal, following Dr. Fung’s plan would be advisable only in the short term.
As for the intermittent fasting, many bodybuilders are now true believers in working out in a fasted state as a rise in growth hormone has been detected when in a fasted state. I might actually try this!
All in all, the book has been an excellent read and I’ve learned a lot. It has reshaped the article that I was going to post, but in a very improved way!
Highly recommended read if you are interested.
I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week!
Until next time,
Always keep your health in mind first and foremost.
Love this. This book has been in my list of books to read. Guess it is time to dust off the list and get to it. Thank you for always keeping it real.